Archives: Programs

  • Discussion

    Project Leader Tanja-Maria Davidov (Vaasa University of Applied Sciences ), Project Leader Kenneth Nordell (Novia University of Applied Sciences)
    Vaasa University of Applied Sciences & Novia University of Applied Sciences
    Loftet Restaurant
    Friday 17.11 kl. 12.30
  • Talk show

    Doctoral Researcher Pius Ewoh (University of Vaasa)
    University of Vaasa
    Ritz Culture Venue
    Saturday 18.11 kl. 14.00
  • Lecture

    Associate professor Ahm Shamsuzzoha (University of Vaasa), Project coordinator Camilla Wahlberg (University of Vaasa)
    University of Vaasa
    Ritz Culture Venue
    Friday 17.11 kl. 16.00
  • Discussion

    Senior Researcher Mona Enell-Nilsson (University of Vaasa), Region Development Johanna Dahl (Österbottens förbund), Project Leader Tauno Kekäle (Merinova)
    University of Vaasa
    Loftet Restaurant
    Saturday 18.11 kl. 12.00
  • Discussion

    Project Leader Martta Ylilauri (University of Vaasa), Senior Lecturer Karina Björninen (VAMK), Responsible Instructor Anna-Lena Starck (Mielle ry)
    University of Vaasa
    Shopping Center Rewell
    Friday 17.11 kl. 11.30
  • Discussion

    Senior researcher Silvia Gaiani (University of Helsinki), PhD Paula Linna (University of Vaasa)
    University of Vaasa
    Ritz Culture Venue
    Saturday 18.11 kl. 10.30
  • Award ceremony

    Åbo Akademi University
    Shopping Center Rewell
    Friday 17.11 kl. 13.30
  • Keynote

    Professor Alf Rehn (Syddansk Universitet, Odense)
    Vaasa Arts and Science Carnival
    Shopping Center Rewell
    Friday 17.11 kl. 15.00
  • Keynote

    Head of Unit Hilppa Gregow (Finnish Meteorological Institute)
    Vaasa Arts and Science Carnival
    Shopping Center Rewell
    Saturday 18.11 kl. 14.00
  • Science Slam

    Doctoral student Frida Nyqvist (Hanken School of Economics), Doctoral student Adefunke Koyejo (University of Turku), Lecturer Malin Andtfolk (Åbo Akademi University), Doctoral student Sara Rosenberg (Åbo Akademi University), Doctoral student Ruwang Han (Åbo Akademi University), Postdoctoral researcher Julia Klein (Åbo Akademi University), Project researcher Lauri Nyystilä (University of Vaasa), Laboratory engineer Pauli Valkjärvi (University of Vaasa)
    Vaasa Arts and Science Carnival
    Shopping Center Rewell
    Saturday 18.11 kl. 15.00